Foot care is often overlooked by many as the feet are there, but out of the way so to speak. Foot care is important though and if we take care of our feet we will feel better all over as a result. Take foot massage for example, which includes stroking of the foot, ankle rotation, pivoting, and kneading. But why bother$%: Well for one thing it feels great, but there's more to it than that as the anatomy of the foot is connected with the whole body, and it is for this reason that we can feel relaxed head to toe, by simply having our feet pampered.
I used to ignore my feet and as a consequence I've suffered a lifetime with bouts of athletes foot, toe fungus, verrucas, and chilblains. The crazy thing is that all of these foot conditions could have been easily avoided with a little foot care. Today, I treat my feet with great respect and they are unrecognizable compared to the unsightly stumps that used to get disregarded as an important part of my anatomy.